BasilTree Consulting What are the benefits of leadership development programs? Skip to content

Leadership Development: Leading People Better

Do your managers enable engagement and productivity?

Superior talent leads to superior business success. But this is possible only when managers are well equipped with skills that maximise the value of their people.

At least

of the variance in employee engagement scores is driven by who the boss is.


of people in management roles are not well equipped for the job.


We work with clients on building specific people management skills and capabilities.

Competency Based Interviewing

Our Competency Based Interviewing programme is tailored for managers involved in conducting interviews. It offers participants invaluable insights and techniques to streamline the interview process and ensure best-fit hiring. By enrolling in this program, participants will:

Gain insight on Objective Assessments – and discern how they diverge from subjective evaluations.
Learn the STAR questioning technique to get role relevant responses from interviewees.
Understand how the interview can be leveraged to create a positive candidate experience thereby impacting the organisation’s employer brand.
Master how to objectively assess and provide a rating for responses received.
Learn how to arrive at an overall evaluation as to whether the interviewee will be a right fit for the role or not.
Be equipped to identify and mitigate biases that can creep in at various stages of interviewing thereby distorting and diluting the process.

Crucial Conversations

of employees believe they are, or need to be, responsible for the development of their careers.

of employees would be more engaged with the work that they do if career conversations were more regular.

of employees would be more likely to stay with their current employer with regular career conversations.

This program is for managers to have effective, meaningful and impactful conversations in different situations, which help towards creating a high performing team.

Career Conversations

The programme highlights the differences between performance and potential. It helps managers provide their team members with support required to fulfil their career aspirations.

Effective Feedback

Participants learn feedback models and processes to shift from subjective judgements to providing objective, critical-incident based behavioural feedback.

Difficult Conversations

The content enables engaging meaningfully with others on uncomfortable topics. Easy frameworks and practice through role plays support on-the-job application.

Manager as Coach

Lack of recognition plays a significant role in this disengagement, leading to unhappiness and reduced productivity. When employees feel undervalued and disconnected from company goals, turnover rates can soar.

At BasilTree, we help organisations determine the unique parameters that define their culture and are vital to their employees being engaged. These become the basis for curated and customised surveys and other means to assess where the organisation currently is in its culture and engagement journey.

BasilTree’s approach towards leadership coaching focuses on “facilitating positive change through impacting leaders’ thinking”. We strive to bring about this mindset shift in our participants such that they go from measuring to enabling performance of individuals and teams.

The Programme Uncovers:
Why manager as a coach
Outcomes of Coaching
Principles of Coaching
Attitude and mindset needed to be an effective Coach
Creating a conducive environment for coaching
Toolbox: C.O.A.C.H people to success—enables the journey of the team member to begin with awareness of self from deep within to lasting behavioural change stemming from the same deeper self.