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Assessments & Insights: Executive Assessments & Succession

Do you have a clearly identified succession pipeline?

Leaders are the architects of an organisation’s destiny. Our Executive Assessments go beyond the surface, delving into competencies, motivations, and potential blind spots. They provide a comprehensive view, based on organisational leadership needs as well as industry benchmarks, helping you make informed choices for top-level roles.

Assessment & Development Centres

To make assessments scientific and holistic, we bring together three critical perspectives in all our assessments – that of the individual being assessed, of the stakeholders in the role, and of the larger organisation and its strategic priorities.

Manager’s Perspective

Current level on-the-job and objective behavioural feedback from reporting Managers.

Individual’s Perspective

Through responses to self-response personality inventory, with client’s Competencies being the basis.

Long-Term Perspective

Assessment on next-level leadership behaviours through an objective, standardised and engaging process.

The individual’s perspective is represented through personality and related assessments (Preferences), the stakeholders through manager and multi-rater assessments (Performance), and the organisation through simulation based behavioural assessments (Potential). The client’s leadership behaviours form the foundation for all the three perspectives.

Outcomes by stakeholders
Outcomes for Individuals
Detailed insight on own strengths and development gaps
Consideration of individual preferences, cognitive abilities, and demonstrated behaviours ensure meaningful feedback.
Outcomes for Business Managers
Individual differentiation between people
Better insights on the strengths and development needs of each person
Data to participate effectively in career decisions
Outcomes for Senior Leadership
View on succession
Challenges for the future
Insight on leadership talent pipeline
Clear development agenda
What makes
our assessments

Clients can choose from the range of exercises or have us custom-design their process.


Our process, instruments and reporting mechanisms, collectively ensure a high Predictive Validity for the assessments, often measured through internal validation studies.


Our assessors are the most experienced in the industry, bringing together a mix of Occupational Psychologists, Human Resources Generalists and Business Managers.


Our reports and analytics are insightful, impact-oriented and designed to be tools for line managers to lead better.

Administrative Excellence

Our administrators seamlessly run the process to ensure a best-in-class user experience.

Above all, we work as one-team with our clients, to ensure that we deliver on the business goals on the project.

360 and Multirater Feedbacks

We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.


Bill Gates

Organisations are continually looking for ways to improve performance, and satisfy demands of all stakeholders. This requires objective, fair and behavioural feedback data for all leaders. This is where multi-rater feedbacks play an important role in providing structured, in-depth information on how leaders’ performance is perceived and what they need to do differently.

BasilTree Consulting offers a versatile, competency-based 360-degree feedback tool, simplifying the process of obtaining essential data about your leaders. With its quick and easy interface, and insightful reports, this is a powerful tool, especially as a precursor for Senior Leadership Development.

The following five best practices form the foundation of BasilTree’s multi-rater process and system.

Comprehensive and transparent communication programme


Behavioural assessment and feedback


Individuals choose raters with line managers


Anonymised and categorised feedback


Support and follow up mechanisms

The Process followed
  • 01


    Design of questionnaire based on Leadership Competencies.

  • 02


    Capture of feedback from self, manager, peer or subordinate or others, on a confidential online system.

  • 03


    Customised report for each individual based on back-end collation of results.

C-Suite Selection and Succession

Our Senior Leadership assessments are designed to be a positive, insightful experience for its participants. These ensure that the organisation and participants receive insights and reflection that help take informed decisions.

We work with clients to create Success Profiles for targeted roles, serving as the foundation for assessments in both selection and internal successor identification.

Participants go through one-on-one assessments with our expert Senior Consultants, enabling rich conversations and reflections. This forms the foundation for future one-on-one Coaching, offering support and a sounding board for incumbents in their current or future roles.

The assessments utilise Day-in-the-Life exercises, simulating realistic business challenges for an immersive candidate experience. This comprehensive approach evaluates candidates across various exercises and competencies.

Myths on Senior Leadership Assessments

#1: The Myth of ‘Not for Seniors’ – Assessments are for junior levels, not for senior levels.

Contrary to common belief, assessments are not just useful, but extremely important at senior levels as they infuse objectivity by measuring against established criteria, enabling selection of leaders primed for success, rather than relying entirely on personal interviews which are highly subjective.

#2: The Myth of ‘Performance is Enough’– High Performers make fantastic leaders.

The myth of ‘past performance being a predictor of future potential’ is true across levels, senior levels being no exception (click here to read more about ‘potential.’) Future potential needs to be assessed especially at senior levels, given the high stakes.

#3: The Myth of ‘Just for Selection’ – Assessments only help you choose the best person for the job.

Assessments make very powerful development tools as they uncover strengths and gaps, thereby shaping learning paths and development strategies. When well-executed, they provide a memorable experience, demonstrating the company’s commitment to nurturing leaders.