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Assessments & Insights: High Potential Identification

Have you identified your top talent?


Past performance is not often an accurate predictor of future potential. In fact, research proves that just 4 of every 10 high performers are also high potential. Most organisations struggle with being able to differentiate their High Potentials from High Performers.


To make the process of High Potential identification a robust one, BasilTree holistically brings together three critical perspectives:

Manager’s Perspective

Current level on-the-job and objective behavioural feedback from reporting Managers.

  • Manager feedback
  • Multi-rater feedback surveys
Individual’s Perspective

Through responses to self-response personality inventory, with client’s Competencies being the basis.

  • Personality Questionnaires
  • Situational Judgment Tests
Long-Term Perspective

Assessment on next-level leadership behaviours through an objective, standardised and engaging process.

  • Simulated Mailbox
  • Case Analysis
  • Interactive Role Plays
  • Cognitive Tests

This assessment fulcrum, along with a thorough understanding of the client’s business context and priorities via stakeholder conversations, becomes the basis for creating a standardised and engaging assessment process.

Why do organisations need strong High Potential (HiPo) Programmes?
  1. High Potential employees are 91% more valuable to organisations than non-high potentials.
  2. 97% of high potentials look for HiPo programmes when considering a new job.
  3. 77% of high potentials consider being formally identified as a high potential to be important.
Yet, less than 15% of companies have strong HiPo programmes.


There is enough research available that shows that organisations with stronger leaders can show twice the revenue and twice the profit growth. Yet, organisations either don’t invest, or don’t have a strong enough HiPo programme, that truly brings out the best of its talent. This, while most companies have trouble finding talent.

Virtual Assessments

Our Virtual Assessment Centres (‘VACs’):

Ensure robust, scientific and holistic assessment of potential.
Use exercises that simulate work environment.
Offer flexibility of a range of psychometric and simulation exercises.
Can align with BasilTree’s or client competencies.
Deliver personalised feedback reports and group talent analytics.
Illustrative Tools Used in Virtual Assessments
Simulated Mailbox - Brings individual’s workplace alive, presents a range of leadership challenges.
Case Analysis - Allows individuals to present their responses to simulated business issues.
Situational Judgment Tests - Assesses the individual’s ability to make decisions, factoring multiple variables.
Interactive Role Plays – Offers opportunity to showcase behaviours across competencies.
  • 01

    Stakeholder Discussions

    That help us understand business context and role requirements.

  • 02

    Identification & Customisation

    Identification of tools and customisation of simulation exercises.

  • 03

    Participant Orientation

    To set expectations and ensure readiness for the assessment.

  • 04

    Virtual Process

    Ably guided by team BT, with participants and assessors.

  • 05


    Post process individual feedbacks for participants.

  • 06


    Individual participant reports and talent analytics.

  • 07


    Report interpretation session.

Customised Psychometric Assessments

Most organisations face challenges while steering the complexities of psychometric assessments.

We offer our clients a range of psychometric tests and questionnaires, including Cognitive and Personality, based on the needs of the engagement. BasilTree does not represent any psychometric testing company, allowing us to maintain objectivity and independence, and most importantly, the needs of the client at the centre of our work.

Some of the tests and questionnaires that we use in our engagement include those from internationally reputed organisations such as:


We also help clients customise psychometric instruments, such as Situational Judgement Tests, based on their cultural context and desired application.

Talent Analytics

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Beyond assessments, our passion lies in turning raw data into strategic insights. We provide organisations with a nuanced understanding of their talent landscape by transforming assessment data into actionable intelligence.

Our talent analytics dissect assessment results, identifying patterns and trends that inform strategic talent decisions. Whether it’s pinpointing skill gaps, predicting future leadership potential, or optimising team dynamics, we empower organisations to leverage their people data and insights as strategically as any other function.

BasilTree’s proprietary platform for recording and tracking our assessment data allows us to provide industry benchmarks, deep talent trends and company specific business implications of the talent data.

How Talent Analytics Shaped Organisational Agenda

We conducted an assessment process for a prominent Indian retail chain, who wanted to identify the readiness of its Store Managers for progression to the role of Area Operations Manager. The post assessments analytics indicated that participants performed poorly in cognitive tests.

Based on this insight, the client considered re-looking at their recruitment processes and parameters and integrating cognitive testing to ensure that the incoming talent was capable of learning and growing in the long term.

Post assessment analytics conducted for a market-leading Indian real estate company, for its junior and mid-level managers indicated that the participants with lesser tenure in the organisation tended to perform better than those that had been in the system for longer.

Here, the client realised that their hiring practices and parameters were in line with the business requirements, and focus needed to be shifted on providing greater developmental emphasis on tenured talent.

Post assessment analytics for an energy major found that the challenge was the mid-level talent. They were unable to demonstrate the leadership behaviours expected of them at the desired proficiency levels.

This insight was crucial in designing the client’s internal talent strategy. It resulted in the creation of a development journey for mid-level leaders to build leadership bench, and in mindfully providing better opportunities to leverage the capabilities of the junior level talent.