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The client, a luxury car major, wanted to identify and develop their high potential talent pool in India for taking up more senior leadership roles in the future within India or internationally.
The end objective was to have participants create and start off on their Individual Development Plans (‘IDPs’). The client was committed to providing necessary support to implement these plans.


Participants belonging to operations and specific support function teams underwent this initiative.
Actionable IDPs were created that were relevant to the business context and to the role of each participant.
The key development priorities emerging from the Development Centre became the focus of the learning journeys.


BasilTree designed a two-day Development Centre for the talent pool.
The client’s leadership principles were used as a base for the assessment design, which was contextualised to the Indian market.
At the end of the Development Centre, BasilTree conducted a session for the participants on formulating successful Individual Development Plans.
One-on-one discussions were conducted by BasilTree assessors with participants, their respective managers, and the HR team, to provide feedback and discuss their draft Individual Development Plans.