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Managing high-potential talent is vital for future leadership, innovation, and competitive advantage. Research shows HiPos are 91% more valuable than non-HiPos, yet fewer than 15% of companies have strong programmes for them. Challenges include accurate identification, development, engagement, and retention.

The BasilTree HiPo Maturity Framework helps companies shift from process-oriented to impact-oriented strategies, with a business context-driven approach at its core. This modern framework assesses effectiveness through three distinct axes, with their interplay determining each organisation’s HiPo maturity.

Maturity of Process: how strategic, defined and adaptive the process is.
Maturity of Ownership: how deeply accountability is embedded.
Maturity of Impact: how it impacts strategy, performance and culture.


The overall HiPo Maturity is arrived at by placing the weighted average of the three axes on a four-point scale. The framework gives greater weight to Maturity of Impact, to ensure emphasis on business outcomes.

The BasilTree HiPo Maturity Levels


Using the framework will help organisations climb the value chain of HiPo management.

The framework measures progress in managing HiPos, by allowing for positive incremental changes on each axis. It rewards efforts with high impact, over high-visibility actions lacking results. The final assessment is both absolute on the framework, and relative to other companies, hence giving actionable insights on what needs to be done to ensure sustainable progress.

Please feel free to contact us for further details, or for a complimentary report with review and insights on your company’s HiPo management.

The BasilTree HiPo Maturity Framework