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While high performers excel in their current roles by consistently delivering results, high potentials (HiPos) are those who show the capability and readiness to take on more complex responsibilities that come with higher roles. Identifying HiPos is crucial for organisations aiming to secure long-term growth and build a strong leadership pipeline. To distinguish between high performance and high potential, it’s essential to ask the right questions. Here are three key questions that can help you effectively identify HiPos within your organisation.

  1. Does the individual have the abilities required of them in the future role?
    A key question is whether the individual has the abilities needed for a more challenging future role. This requires looking beyond their current skills and performance, and assessing their potential to learn and handle greater complexity. High potentials are not just good at what they currently do; they also show the ability to grow into new roles and responsibilities.
  2. Does the individual have the motivation and aspiration to tackle the new challenges that they will be faced with?
    The second question focuses on the individual’s drive to succeed in more demanding roles. High potentials not only possess the skills but also the motivation and aspiration to tackle new challenges. They are eager to take on greater responsibilities and are driven by a desire to grow and make a more significant impact within the organisation. Without this intrinsic motivation, even a highly skilled employee may not thrive in a high-potential role.
  3. Does the individual see opportunities to continue to grow and seek fulfilment within the organisation, or would they be prone to leaving for a competitor?
    Finally, assess whether the individual is likely to stay with the organisation long enough to justify the investment in their development. High potentials should see a clear path for growth within the company. If they perceive limited career prospects, they may leave for a competitor. Investing in employees who are both capable and committed helps retain talent and ensures a robust leadership pipeline.

By asking these three critical questions, organisations can more accurately identify high potentials who are not only capable of stepping into more demanding roles but are also motivated to grow within the company.

Three questions to ask when identifying High-Potentials