BasilTree Consulting What are the benefits of leadership development programs? Skip to content


The client, an energy major, was keen to identify high potential employees at middle and senior levels, who could deliver business growth by demonstrating new leadership behaviours that had been recently introduced to the entire organisation.

This need was an outcome of the recent transformation of the client to overcome business and environmental challenges and to accelerate business growth.


Assessments were carried out for all three levels – junior, mid and senior.

The analytics that BasilTree conducted provided a clear talent roadmap for each of the three levels. The client was able to identify High Potential talent pool across the organisation.

The insights from the analysis formed a key input in the development journey planned for the cohorts. It also provided a basis for the client to be able to identify key organisational initiatives and special projects to be driven internally.


BasilTree custom designed the assessment process and simulation exercises, which would accurately reflect the day-to-day working environment and challenges faced by the participants.

The assessment process was divided into two phases. Phase I comprised of the online exercises, and Phase II of interactive assessor led exercises and feedback. At the end of the process, each participant received a customised integrated report with inputs from all exercises.

The assessment was followed by development conversations between the participant, their reporting manager and the primary assessor.