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Effective management of high-potential (HiPo) talent is key to sustainable growth and leadership continuity. This study, based on the BasilTree HiPo Maturity Framework, explores how Indian organisations identify and develop HiPo talent, offering actionable insights into challenges, best practices, and measurable business impact from nearly 130 organisations.

What This Report Contains

  1. Introduction: The importance of HiPo talent management and its impact on leadership pipelines, innovation, and business sustainability.
  2. Framework & Approach: A deep dive into the BasilTree HiPo Maturity Framework and the rigorous methodology used to assess maturity across organisations.
  3. Top Findings: Key insights highlighting trends, challenges, and best practices observed in the study.
  4. Findings by Maturity Dimensions:
    o Process: Insights into how organisations identify and develop HiPo talent, including tools, strategies, and gaps.
    o Ownership: Analysis of accountability and leadership involvement in driving HiPo programmes.
    o Impact: Evaluation of the tangible business outcomes resulting from HiPo initiatives, including retention, leadership pipelines, and business alignment.
  5. The Road Ahead: BasilTree Consulting’s perspective on what organisations can do to advance their HiPo maturity, maximise impact, and drive long-term success.
HiPo Talent Management Practices in India
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