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The client, a global learning company, wanted to run an assessment process for employees from its sales function to identify those who could take on more challenging responsibilities and those who may need greater support. This was critical, given the organisation’s move towards digitisation and technology. The client was keen to have a short assessment which was easy to roll out and administer to its large sales-force operating out of different regions within and outside the country.


Sales teams from a total of five lines of business were involved in the process.
The assessment process enabled the identification of cohort-level strengths and development needs, providing insight to the client for a clear talent roadmap. It also provided an understanding of available talent within each business unit.
The process allowed the client to have a robust assessment process for identifying sales readiness, in addition to their internal performance data.


BT designed a Virtual Assessment Centre based on inputs from stakeholder conversations and FGDs conducted.
Participants underwent a Virtual Assessment Centre that lasted for half a working day.