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A leading Indian multinational pharmaceutical company wanted to identify leaders within its global manufacturing organisation, who could potentially take up the role of a ‘Site Head’, in the next 12-24 months.

The Function Head was keen to also facilitate development of the identified talent pool from various locations across the globe, by providing them with a better understanding of their strengths and development needs, and subsequently providing structured developmental inputs.


Regular review discussions were scheduled between the client leadership team, managers and the BasilTree coaches, to review progress made by the participants. This resulted in both – the coachees and the organisation – witnessing a tangible change and accountability on part of the participants, as well as their managers.


The intervention was planned to have two aspects to it – a Development Centre and a 360 feedback.

Based on insights from both, BasilTree facilitated a discussion with the participants and their managers, to help define their Individual Development Plans (‘IDPs’).

Post that, the participants then went through an individual coaching journey, comprising ten monthly sessions with a senior BasilTree coach.

Managers of the participants were encouraged to have monthly catch-ups with the participants. They were also provided with virtual formats of ‘Critical Incident Diaries’, to record and refer to ‘evidences’ during their monthly discussions. They were also provided with inputs on how to structure these discussions effectively.