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Feedback plays a pivotal role in fostering growth and improvement, offering individuals invaluable insights into their performance and areas for development. As we explore the top six behaviors that facilitate effective feedback exchanges, we aim to highlight how these behaviours contribute to creating a culture of continuous learning and development within organisations.

E – Empathy
Understand the feedback receiver’s thoughts, feelings, and condition from his or her point of view, rather than your own. This empathetic approach helps build a connection and ensures that feedback is delivered in a supportive and constructive manner.

N – Neutrality
Suspend judgment in the discussion, share observations, and your own understanding and allow the individual to respond. Maintaining neutrality helps create an open dialogue where feedback can be received without defensiveness or bias, fostering a more productive exchange.

A – Appreciation
Feedback even when adverse, may not be all negative. Positive strokes help build credibility, trust and openness. Acknowledging the strengths and efforts of the individual can enhance their receptiveness to feedback and reinforce their motivation for improvement.

B – Balance
Of perspectives and sources, of emotions – your own and the recipient, of positive and constructive data (when possible). Striving for a balanced approach ensures that feedback is comprehensive and fair, making it easier for the receiver to accept and act upon it.

L – Listening
Be attuned to body language, expressions and tone and be aware of your impact on the other person. Active listening not only helps in understanding the feedback recipient’s perspective but also demonstrates respect and consideration, further strengthening the feedback process.

E – Energy
It is a vital tool to communicate interest and enthuse commitment. Energy is not just physical, but emotional and non-verbal. Bringing positive energy into feedback sessions can motivate individuals, making them more engaged and committed to their development.

By embedding these behaviors into your feedback processes, organisations can cultivate a culture of continuous improvement, driving both individual growth and collective organisational success.

The Top Six Behaviours Of Enabling Feedback