BasilTree Consulting What are the benefits of leadership development programs? Skip to content


The client, one of India’s leading textile manufacturers, wanted to leverage a scientific and reliable process for identifying the right candidates for critical senior positions within the organisation. As part of this process, the client wanted to assess internal as well as external candidates, shortlisted by business leaders for potential fitment to crucial leadership roles, such as Vertical Heads at CEO-1 levels. The objective was to give greater weightage to the assessment findings in decision-making regarding employee selection, while also leveraging insights to recognise and address development requirements among internal candidates.




An executive summary report of each candidate was presented to the management team to aid decision-making on whether to hire external talent or promote internal resources.

A comparative report showcasing multiple candidates eligible for the same position was presented to management for simplified selection. Moreover, detailed reports were shared with internal and selected external candidates to enhance their understanding of developmental needs.

This process empowered the client to conduct top-level leadership selections ensuring alignment not only in competencies but also in organisational culture.


Utilising its proprietary 3P Assessment Fulcrum, which integrates Performance, Preference, and Potential, BasilTree developed Assessment Centres for the client. Here, candidates interacted with a senior BasilTree assessor across various simulation exercises.

For internal candidates, manager feedback on leadership competencies was collected through an online rating form.

Based on assessment findings, assessors provided recommendations on role fitment. Additionally, internal candidates received feedback from senior assessors following communication of selection process results.