BasilTree Consulting What are the benefits of leadership development programs? Skip to content


The client, a multinational telecommunications technology company, wanted to engage with their leaders and equip them with skills required to overcome business challenges.

The learning interventions had to be virtual due to the pandemic, and therefore had to be short, sharp and more engaging.


Leaders’ development in relevant competencies was facilitated through the additional resource of peer learning via group coaching.

A high level of engagement with the leaders was maintained throughout the six-month intervention.

The cohort experienced an increased level of confidence and motivation, and expressed greater engagement, formally and informally.


BasilTree curated a Leadership Development Programme based on the client’s Leadership Competency Framework.

A psychometric tool was administered as a starting point and customised reports were shared with participants to help them understand their personal preferences that were impacting their behaviours and learning process.

Discussions with HR and Business Leaders provided the context of the client’s internal and external challenges and nuances, which was weaved in the design of the learning modules.

Short, interactive virtual learning sessions were conducted for each competency over a period of six months.

Group coaching sessions were conducted after each competency training by the same facilitator, to further support transfer of learning.