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Across organisations, interviews are one of the most relied-upon tools in the hiring process. They are used for gauging a potential candidate’s suitability for a given role. However, this routine process can be made more impactful for the candidate and at the same time, more predictive and insightful for the organisation. This 5-step process of P.R.I.C.E – Prepare, Rapport, Inquire, Close, Evaluate; lays out the actions to be taken by hiring managers before, during and after the interview.

Prepare before the interview
• Be clear about the entire selection process for the candidate.
• Prepare interview questions as per the role requirements.
• Study the candidate’s CV to identify specific points of clarification.
• Arrange necessary infrastructure for better candidate experience.

Establish Rapport
• Welco me the candidate and begin the interview with introductions.
• State the purpose for the interview.
• Clarify the structure of the discussion.

Inquire through incisive questions
• Ask open-ended questions to elicit descriptive responses.
• Probe further, for more context on stated actions.
• Ensure neutrality in own speech and body language.
• Avoid close-ended, hypothetical or leading questions.

Close the interview
• Pause to address any questions that the candidate may want to ask.
• Clarify any next steps that the candidate should be aware of.
• End the interview by thanking the candidate for their time.

Evaluate the strengths of the findings
• Review your notes about the behaviours observed during the interview.
• Group the behaviours under the set of identified competencies.
• Use standardised scoring scales to rate observed behaviours.
• Document the evaluation, with qualitative comments, to justify ratings

Remember: Of PRICE, Preparation before the Interview is key, as it sets up the stage for a meaningful conversation. Rapport, Inquire, and Close help to create a positive experience and gain deep insights from the candidate. And most importantly, Evaluate only after the interview. Following these steps will aid in ensuring a smooth experience for candidates.

Enhance your hiring effectiveness with greater structure in the interview process